So sorry. She can't help it. Even though today is her five year anniversary of living in Switzerland, she'll always be an American.
Anyhow, without further apologies, here are a few things that might interest some of you internationally-minded writers:
On October 1-2, 2011, Zurich will once again be a prime location for writers of fiction and non-fiction. Nuance Words will be bringing expat author Amanda Hodgkinson as well as ghostwriter Andrew Crofts to Zurich for an intensive writing workshop.
For several months now, Writer Abroad has been enjoying her international subscription to The Sun, a literary magazine based out of Chapel Hill, NC, which is one of the few publications she knows of that actually doesn't make it financially insane to subscribe from overseas. Just $59 will get you an international year's subscription.
If you couldn't attend the Zurich Writers Workshop in May, a fellow attendee blogged about the ten things she learned at the Zurich Writers Workshop.
Lesley Lawson, a Geneva-based writer is seeking submissions for an anthology about "falling in love over forty." Interested writers can reach Lesley at lesley@2relationshipsuccess.com for more information.
Finally, Writer Abroad just wrote for her first inflight magazine. Her article on Zurich was published in the June issue of Serendib, the magazine of Sri Lankan Airlines.
Any news or links of your own that might interest other writers? Writer Abroad wants to know!